WELL-FED Baked Cod – Easy Well-Fed Nutrition

I’ve mentioned in previous posts that when cooking and creating any meal, whether it be breakfast lunch or dinner, I’m always sure to have a protein source. An interesting fact about nutrition is that Protein and/or Fat are the ONLY ways to satisfy hunger. That’s right, by eating a food item that has some quality protein and/or fat (preferably and obviously a healthy fat), doing so is the only way you will cure your hunger. Not by chowing down on a ton of empty calories or carbs! Now, that doesn’t mean carbs (or calories) are the enemy, definitely not! We need carbs for energy and to help build strength, otherwise our bodies will start to break down our muscles for energy.  Carbs and also fiber will fill you up, giving you that full feeling, but you’ll still eventually be hungry until you get some protein or fat. If you navigate through the many recipes in my Well-Fed section of this blog you will find some great protein-packed meals and snack ideas! Or stay right here and read-on about some lean protein coming from this easy Baked Cod Recipe.

We have cod once a week. It’s flavorful and filling, I can bake it rather quickly and change-up the ingredients added from doing a Mango-Salsa topping or adding a spicy southwestern kick to it to make some Fish Tacos. Or here I keep it simple with garlic, butter, oregano and a bit of parsley. About 14 minutes baked in the oven at 385F and you’ve got dinner full of nutrients with every flaky bite.

Check out the health benefits of Cod Fish while also checking out one of my first infographics made by yours truly using a free online site visme.co I’ll eventually have to pay a monthly fee to be able to store additional graphics and use more items, but so far so good. Everything I’ve been doing with my blog I’ve been learning as I go all by self-teaching, from the blog set-up, design, coding to rearrange some editing to downloading GIMP for some of my graphic needs and then now finding a good site to create infographics. It’s been quite the learning experience. I’ve needed all the good nutrition and food I’ve been posting to keep my brain in tip-top creative mode and this Cod Fish is helping! Keeping my cognitive health functioning not to mention many other fantastic benefits. Take a look.

So here we go, let’s get some fish on the dinner table! First, let’s purchase some Cod Fish. Fresh from the Fish Market, this one is just up the road from my house at Bellvale Market, where they pick up their fish at the Fulton Fish Market early every morning. It is a bit pricey compared to grocery Cod but it is thick and flakey and delicious. At the grocery I still am able to find some fresh Atlantic Cod at about $7-9/lb but it can be tricky to know if you’re getting a quality piece of fish sometimes. Even scrolling through seafoodwatch.org is rather… fishy. It isn’t exactly clear what brand/company is selling the fish at the grocery to match up with on the website.

So… when you decide on your cod fish to buy, bring it home and rinse it off, place on a sheet of foil on a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 385F and then slice or smash some garlic, about 3 cloves, followed by spreading it over the cod.

Use a quality butter or a great true extra virgin olive oil over the fish.



Sprinkle oregano and a bit of parsley over the fish and then place another sheet of foil over top, folding over the edges to seal in the flavors while it bakes. Bake for about 14 minutes, be sure to check to make sure the fish isn’t overcooking. If it’s a thin piece it may take less time, thicker could make for closer to 16 minutes, but not long at all. Finished! Serve with a great side and you’ve made another Well-Fed meal for your Whole Well-Being. Easy!

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Easy Baked Cod - Easy Well-Fed Nutrition!
Course Dinner
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 14 minutes
Course Dinner
Cuisine American
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 14 minutes
  1. Preheat Oven to 385 F. Line baking sheet with foil. Rinse Fish and place on foil.
  2. Spread garlic sporadically over the fish, doing the same with the butter or the olive oil. No need to smother the fish, just placing here and there.
  3. Sprinkle with oregano and parsley
  4. Place second sheet of foil over fish and fold sides to seal.
  5. Place in oven and bake for about 14 minutes. * May be less if fillet happens to be thin, a bit longer for thicker fillets. Shouldn't take longer than 20 minutes.
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