WELL-FIT Yoga Attempts

I have always loved yoga, although I’m definitely not the best at it. I can post more #yogafails than #namaste, but I still give it the ol’ college try. I have taken classes and it does allow me to feel better throughout the day, stretching my entire body and squeezing out the toxins!

I am more of a runner than a yogi and well, if you’re a runner, you know you should stretch, but most of the time you don’t.

So to make up for my lack in stretching and to not feel like I’m tied in a knot crunching down with poor posture, I do try yoga at home. I have the help of youtube videos and online instruction, but it’s nothing like having a person there, physically, talking me through each move, correcting each pose.

I like to take photos and videos of myself to see if I’m anywhere close to nailing the pose.

Sometimes I get close.

Sometimes I don’t line up my camera up correctly. Or set the self-timer correctly.

And because I love being outside, often there are times I get attacked by what’s certainly a “killer bee”.

Then there’s the #nailedit! Lol. Many attempts become complete #yogafails!

Kali is entertained I think! Or confused. She actually tries to stretch with my husband and me at home, it’s cute. Hopefully come summer I can actually post some inspiring yoga poses!