WELL-FIT Well-Run Palisades Half Marathon

In my journey to self-healing, becoming more Nutritiously Well-Fed and Happily Well-Fit, for My Whole Well-Being, I got back to running in the spring of 2013 and really began feeling good. I ran the United Half Marathon at Rutgers University in April, with a pretty decent finish time of 1:49 (clock time was 1:55. Chip time is 1:49).

I didn’t take any pics of the United Rutgers Half, but I will say it was a great race, running through the campus on April 21. It happened to coincide right as the trees were blossoming and flowers were in bloom everywhere, so it was a fantastic Spring run on a warm morning with sunny skies! Loved it!

I then signed up for the Palisades Half Marathon, run that May. I felt pretty good at this time, better than what I had felt in the past, but still feeling some ache, still having a bit of knee pain and my body was slow to recover. But, I was on my way up! And I was training to run a full marathon in July just two months after this race in Sugarbush Vermont, the Mad River Marathon in Waitsfield! That area was beautiful!

I finished this Palisades Half in about the same time, around 1:50. The biggest challenge of this race is a big uphill climb at the finish. It is an out-and-back, so to begin you start at The Ross Dock Picnic area in Palisades Interstate Park (beautiful park, more info click link here Ross Dock NJ Palisades ) climbing a hill/mountain/cliff… the Palisades, to get along the cliffs (again, the Palisades) that stretch along the Hudson River, and that is then where a downhill occurs. Quick info screenshot from wiki explaining what the Palisades are:

But… that nice downhill in the first miles are what make for the uphill climb toward the end. THEN, you have to get back to Ross Dock so you’ve got a nice, scenic downhill to help you make it to the actual finish. Posted below are some photos from the event! It is involved to get to the start. You have to park in Fort Lee, jump on a bus that will then take you to Ross Dock in Palisades Interstate Park where the race starts, so that’s a bit demanding. No easy parking at Ross Dock, where the start and finish is based. Best to do this run on your own as it’s not so much a spectator race. But if someone does come along to support you, they still might be able to ride the bus I believe.


Below is a photo-blog of the event. It is a beautiful spot to run, with the land jutting up so quickly right along the water and the start/finish being in a great park area with views of the George Washington Bridge. A Well-Fit Well-Run weekend morning.