Welcome to My Whole Well-Being

Great to see you here! This is my lifestyle site that features many recipes and ideas to eat the most nourishing, healthy whole foods. I am a Certified Epigenetic Coach and Certified in Nutrition and Wellness Consulting/Coaching. I understand we all have unique physiological characteristics and it is impossible to say one diet or way of eating is right for everyone. This is the approach I take with my clients and in my own life. We evolve as we live each moment. Epigenetics comes into play here, what may have been working very well at one time in your life might not be doing you good now. I can help guide you on your journey, right now, to finding the actionable steps to take to uplevel your health, mental outlook, fitness and more. Contact me at jamieszapka@szennx.com to get started. Or go to szennx.com to learn more.