WELL-FED Squash Blossoms with Garlic Greens & Goat Cheese! Sounds Fancy.

Squash Blossoms a bloomin’ in my lil’ garden! I had these just blooming and blooming but for the longest time, nooooo squash! It was kind of frustrating.

But then a friend of mine said I can eat those! And when I would walk through the Farmer’s Markets, I noticed they sold them in batches.

And not just at one stop at one particular farmer’s set-up, but at many different spots.

Well ok, let’s do this! Plucked my own squash blossoms from my garden.

Grabbed an avocado, fresh basil from the garden, fresh spinach from the farmer’s market and some fresh garlic (not from my garden but I wish!) . Had some goat cheese and had some eggs. I’m ready to make a fancy summer squash blossom dish!

It’s a perfect flower I’m going to stuff with some goat cheese and garlic green goodness! But I think if I were having a party or a get together, I could use these as a garnish or put them on a flatbread pizza. The flavor is so light and even airy if that’s a good word to describe them. They have the slightest hint of the squash flavor they come from but really, I cannot imagine these “ruining” anything you add them to, from soup to vegetables to a salad.

So this is something simple and fun. Sauteing olive oil and garlic over low to medium heat. Then adding some fresh spinach or collard greens.

That was quick! Added a few basil leaves towards the end. Remove from heat and add a dollop of goat cheese.

Do you best to spoon in some of the garlic green goat cheese mixture into a blossom and place beautifully on a plate. Add avocado and perhaps that egg I mentioned earlier with fresh spinach and basil.

Easy to eat with you hands, a nice addition to a summer dish!

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Squash Blossoms with Garlic Greens & Goat Cheese!
A way to use the blossoms from your squash garden or to fancy up any meal! Add them as a pretty side dish, onto pizza, cut up into salad or vegetables! Here I saute some garlic in olive oil, add some spinach greens but you can also use kale or collard greens. Add a bit of goat cheese and pair it with eggs and avocado!
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 3-5 mins
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 3-5 mins
  1. Saute garlic and olive oil in pan over light to medium heat.
  2. Add cut spinach or kale or collard greens. Any greens to just give them a hint of being cooked. You can honestly leave them raw.
  3. Remove from heat and add goat cheese.
  4. Stuff into blossoms. The blossoms are delicate so be gentle.
  5. Serve with a side of avocado and eggs. Or anything you want! It's just something pretty!
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