WELL-FIT Crossfit Competition – Battle of the Baes2


After doing the basement workouts and being a full member of Dan’s Crossfit (aka Basement Gym) from the beginning of the year, Dan decided it was time to enter us into a competition. I was nervous. The only thing I knew about Crossfit was what Dan was teaching me. That’s it. I’ve never been an actual member of a true Crossfit Gym. But, Dan has been a member and I trust his coaching! I agreed to compete in Power Pack Crossfit‘s Battle of the Baes 2, held on April 22nd, my birthday, at their facilities in Atlantic Highlands NJ, close to the Jersey Shore.

RX vs Scaled

I took screenshots of what the competition consisted of from their facebook page. It was comprised of WODS or Workout of the Day for RX and Scaled. A more thorough explanation regarding these different groups can be found at RX-vs-ScaledCrossfit To sum it up, RX is for the advanced or high-level Crossfitters, those who have been doing Crossfit for a good duration, while the Scaled is for an athlete who is new to Crossfit, still working their way up to getting stronger. These workouts are “Scaled” down/back to avoid getting injured and to ensure the workout, movements, lifts, etc are performed correctly. Scaled is the class we entered. Dan could do the RX, but he was in it for me!



Arrival and Set-Up

Our arrival was good and early, a bit before the morning start time. Signed in at the table and received our cool Crossfit Battle of the Baes t-shirt. You can see the gym is inside with an outdoor area where everyone set up their “camps”. Many competitors brought tents and chairs. We were prepared with food and tons of water, extra clothes, however we didn’t think to bring chairs or a tent. We were lucky enough to meet some (very) advanced Crossfitters, super friendly offerin to share their tent. We then found a few chairs that belonged to the gym we could sit and wait for our turn.

Sitting next to the team that would eventually win the entire RX competition, we were mentally preparing ourselves for the day. Dan was familiar with the male competitor as they had worked out at the same Crossfit Gym in Paramus. Super nice and as we watched them during the RX competitions, they did the workouts so smoothly,making it look easy (keep reading, I posted some videos below).


So here we go, there were three workouts we’d be doing. The first round:

  • WOD 1 Scaled
  • 6 min Amrap(Scaled)
    • 14 abmat situps
    • 7 Box Jump Overs 24/20 in
    • 5 Deadlifts 135/95 lbs
      • Weight goes up (155/105) (185/125)(225/145)

This reads:

  • WOD = Workout of the Day; Scaled = Scaled back/down (for people like me who are new and just getting started and could no way do the weight/etc that the more skilled crossfitters are doing. Plus, they don’t want me to be in their competition anyway, they want to be challenged themselves going against others who will push them.)
  • 6 min Amrap = For six (6) minutes As Many Reps As Possible (of what follows)
    • 14 abmat situps
    • 7 Box Jump Overs at 24 inches for the men, 20 inches for the women
    • 5 Deadlifts beginning at 135 pounds for the men, 95 pounds for the women.

The Deadlifts part is where I was getting nervous and confused. The men began when the buzzer went off, starting their 14 abmat situps. At this time, 135 lbs was on the bar for the Deadlifts, ready for them when they got there. As I waited, Dan did his 14 Abmat Sit-ups, ran over did 7 Box Jump Overs, then when he got to the Deadlifts I was already on the ground ready to start my 14 Abmat Sit-ups as soon as he finished his 5th Deadlift. Once he was done, I started and he was taking off weight to get the Deadlift weight from his 135 lbs to my 95 lbs. I get there, finish my 5th Deadlift, as soon as I do, he’s already on the ground starting his 14 Abmat Sit-ups. It moved quick! At that time I was changing the weight, from my 95 lbs to his next weight level which is 155 lbs. I had to remember each round what weights to look for to have the math correct. So I just memorized: First change I need to put 55 lbs on each side or 45 lb and a 10 lb. Second I’m going from my 105 to his 185, I need 70 lbs on each side, a 45lb and a 25 lb. Third I’m going from my 125 to his 225, I need 90 lbs on both sides, (2) 45lbs on each side. Hustling! Luckily there were some judges there to help make sure I got my weights off and his on in enough time before he got there. Surprisingly we came in 4th in this WOD! It was a good start for my first Crossfit Competition.

The two photos below are courtesy of Power Pack Crossfit’s Facebook page found here Dan is in the middle in the first photo. I look like I’m in a lamaze class.

Below is the pic after all three of the Scaled Heats were over and the RX Heats are set up to go. I didn’t get any photos of the Scaled because I was too nervous to take pics before it was our turn. I was watching intently.

After having the first WOD over I was feeling a little better. First-time nerves were worked-out so to speak. We had a break watching the RX do their first WOD, then the Scaled began for WOD2. Again we were Heat 3. I didn’t get any photos of the second WOD as I was trying to pay attention to how Heats 1 & 2 did it. Dan and I were trying to get a strategy. He knew what to do!

Scaled WOD 2a

  • 7 min Amrap = 7 minutes As Many Reps As Possible
  • 20 Alt DB Snatches = 20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 35lb men 25 lbs women
  • 15 Wall Balls 14/10 lbs
  • 10 Burpees
  • Scaled 2b) Both athletes complete 1500m on the Rower for time
    • Either athlete can row as long as they want and both athletes can be working at the same time.

With this round, either myself or Dan would be on the Rowing machine, hammering out as much as the 1500m as possible within the 7 minutes, while the other is doing the WOD. We agreed Dan would be on the Rower and he would do the entire 1500m. I would do the WOD. I did ok during the Alt DB Snatches, I had to get used to it at first because we had just bought a Dumbbell the day before to practise. We only had a Kettlebell prior. But once I got going I was on a roll, however I then got lost on how many to do I was too focused on my technique. That was ok as there was a judge counting for me. Good thing! The Judge was so helpful. As for the Wall Balls, I need to get better as I’m always throwing them straight up rather than toward the wall. We have a 20 lb at home and here at the competition was a 10 lb ball so it felt better, however some of my throws were a waste, they didn’t hit the wall so it didn’t count.  My Burpee game is good, I think maybe from being a runner I can hammer them out quickly. When I fell behind on the Wall Balls, I was able to catch up on the Burpees. I was getting gassed though, I was able to get three rounds, starting my fourth and that’s when Dan was finished with the row. He was able to join in the WOD to help us get more reps! I did 10 of my DB snatches, he did 10, then I started wall balls but time was then up. We finished 7th in this WOD while Dan finished 2nd in the row! He was rippin’ at an incredibly smooth pace!

Photos below again courtesy of Power Pack Crosssfit Facebook page Dan dominating the Row competition! Me focusing so much to get the ball to the wall!!! All the judges were great, they explained everything so well before we began. As I stepped up, I had a very helpful coaching comment said to me by my judge, inspiring me to set a goal and stick with it:

“The past two heats the ladies have been able to get through three reps so that’s what I’m going to push you to get to! If I see your eyes starting to fall, if I see you starting to slow it down I’m going to tell you to get movin’!” – Crossfit Coach & Judge

The final WOD consisted of the Cleans and Lifting the weight overhead. This was my weakness!

  • WOD 3
  • 6 Min to Establish 1 rep Max Clean and Jerk Complex
  • 1 Clean (Power or Squat) = I did Power Clean
  • 1 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 1 Hang Clean (Power or Squat)
  • 1 Shoulder to Overhead

I don’t have any photos of us, but I did get some videos and photos of the other heats and the RX. The weight these people were putting up was incredible! Beasts! I was impressed! Below, one of the very advanced athletes practising…

Another video, here the first heat of the Scaled division is getting ready. This is when I started to get nervous (again). I said to Dan “Dan, they’re putting on weights and starting where I have to work up to!” Calmly he responded “Don’t worry about them, you start with just the bar if you want to, then just keep adding low weight until you can’t do it anymore. It’s about you, not them.” Love him.

My max was 85lbs. Many (all?) of the women in the Scaled were starting at or above my max.  Every time I was able to clear a set, I’d look over at Dan who was beside me and before he’d begin his set, he’d give me a smile, a head nod, a fist pump and say “Form is perfect! You’re doing so good Jamie! Keep going!” Even if he wasn’t being completely honest, it helped! He did wonderfully awesome himself, but because he was partnering with me, we came in 12th in this last WOD.


Here are some photos of the RX portion of the competetion. AMAZED I am! I didn’t even know what to say when I’d walk by some of the athletes. Good Job just didn’t seem to be adequate enough. I did a Good Job; what these athletes accomplished was insanely impressive!

This girl was so good! She had just cleared one set and was attempting the next weight up, with bloody hands!!

Another photo of another incredibly strong female! #Girlpower

Teams getting pumped and excited as the time is running out!!! SO STRONG!!! Just awesome!

One of the Gym Coaches announcing the top 5 of each division and then what was to be the final round to see who wins overall!

I took a photo of the screen, our team is the very last row at the bottom. We came  in 7th overall! I can’t see what our reps were, etc, to get an idea of how far behind we were from the team ahead, but I am super happy with how I did! Dan definitely pulled me through!


I enjoyed some food finally. There was a tent set up from Nutrition Kitchen, offering some deliciously healthy food. My nutritiously well-fed self ordered bbq pulled chicken with slaw. It was what I needed. Very good! Having and planning out the food intake for the day was a bit challenging. I am used to marathon running so going in and out of lifting, I was wondering how I’d keep my hunger in control but also have the energy to go. We had protein powder with water to mix along with gluten free crackers that we always easy on my stomach.


Photos and videos of the final WOD to see who would be the winner. The workout to be completed:

  • Run 400m
  • 30 Snatches
  • 20 Handstand pushups

Last one in after the first round is out. So everyone starts same time, runs 400 m, goes into the snatchs and handstand pushups. Then out for the next 400m run, the last one in after that 400 m run round is out.

Growth happens outside of your comfort zone

The day was certainly something out of my comfort zone and I was nowhere near being at the “top” or the “best”. I know how to start at the bottom and work my way up, I’ve done so in many areas of my life. I also know myself well enough (I’m well-defined!) to recognize where I’m at but also have the confidence to at least try to do something I’ve never done before. It was such an eye-opening and humbling experience to not only see what people can achieve when they work so incredibly hard but also watch the camaraderie and positive inspiration given to others in the moment. And to actually compete in it myself, just as the weights kept piling on, the respect I already had was increasing greatly! If you are a Crossfit athlete and have never done any competition, I highly recommend. Even if you do just one, perhaps make it a bucket-list item in your life. And if you have done competitions, to you I say you did an amazingly GOOD JOB!!