Have you ever been told of the health benefits of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar? I’ve read of the miraculous healing powers for years! I’m talking going way back… to my sophomore year in college! Digestive relief, clearer skin, hangover cure! The biggest health attribute for me was that it could aid in preventing and controlling candida overgrowth! Incorporating Apple Cider Vinegar into my diet was one of the healing elixirs I turned to (along with Coconut Oil) when I was on a mission to get my body back to good health! Similar to how Coconut Oil can help remove and rid your body of toxins while replenishing much needed vitamins, minerals and enzymes, Apple Cider Vinegar can do the same! Below you can read all the great things drinking ACV can do for your body! More often than not you probably hear it’s good for weight loss.

Well let’s just Apple Cider Vinegar everything up shall we! That was the thing, I’d maybe replace Red Wine Vinegar with Apple Cider Vinegar in my homemade salad dressing but that wasn’t adding much to my diet overall. The challenge was always how to drink it. Coming from a person who loves vinegar, but had acid reflux so bad it was eating away at my esophagus, drinking it straight was completely out of the question. Even though there are claims it can cure acid reflux, for me, it would hurt. Going down and then when it got there, belly ache that was already there would be more pronounced. So, more often than not I’d mix a very little amount of it with water. I was taking shots of coconut oil and that would repulse me. Having an Apple Cider Vinegar-tinged glass of water wasn’t too appetizing either. But I was on a mission to become more nutritious, healthy and strong!
**It all worked I must say! My mission to get healthier was a success and today I am acid reflux free! I don’t take any medications for it as I used to take acid controller daily. Plus, I don’t take any medication at all. In the past I would need a tylenol for a headache or Ibuprofen for body pain or a claritin for allergy control. Today, NOTHING! And because I feel great, I am continuing my mission to keep my body healthy and fit! That’s what this blog is all about! Being nutritiously well-fed, happily well-fit and wonderfully well-defined!!**
So back to ACV, Over this past summer, I was in Montclair NJ at an organic salon, getting my hair cut and highlighted… for Summa-time!!! I had some minutes to spare when I arrived, so I walked around the cute little town of Montclair and made a stop inside one of the best coffee shops ever with some of the nicest people ever! Local Coffee Montclair is the place to go! When I walked in, I was thinking of just ordering a shot of espresso, keeping it simple but getting a nice drink packed with the most antioxidants!

As I was standing at the counter, I saw they had bottles of Shrubs.
I had never heard of Shrubs before. Taking a look at the ingredients: Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Sugar, Strawberry and Rhubarb. Ok, now I’m interested! With Organic Apple Cider Vinegar being the first ingredient, I wanted to try it!
The owner noticed my curiosity and stirred up a drink using the Strawberry Rhubarb Shrub syrup mixed with seltzer, on the house! One taste and it had the fruity-vinegar-fizz similar to that of Kombucha. It was delish and I knew I could also simply mix it with water giving me a yummy way to drink ACV! So, I bought a bottle to take home. I also purchased my espresso as well!
Here I am, Shrub drink in hand, ready to get my hair did and excited to add more ACV to my diet!
Still feeling great after I finished! No belly ache or odd after taste! I haven’t had acid reflux problems in a few years but even so, this drink didn’t give me any feeling of discomfort!
At home I continued to drink it simply mixed with water. It is great tasting. As soon as I ran out, I figured I could mix ACV with similar juice. I grabbed some Organic ACV and I happened to have some Strawberry Lemonade made by Simply Lemonade at home.
Poured the ACV over ice
Then mixed in a bit of the lemonade and finished it with water. Tasted great! A tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar easily in my belly!
But… the strawberry lemonade I used did have sugar in it! Just as the Shrubs did as well. I wanted to have a drink completely free of sugar! So I used fresh strawberries and squeezed lemon juice on my next attempt! No added sugar!
Blended with ACV and ice…
The drink of Gods! Sugar free, a little over a tbsp of ACV, fresh strawberries and fresh lemon juice with water!
This made me feel better while drinking it! I didn’t feel like I was cheating by getting some sugar in there.
My favorite was when I froze strawberries and raspberries
Then blended them with ACV and water. So good and definitely refreshing! It was like having an icy-smoothy but without sugar, only real fruit and with the added great health benefits of ACV! I highly recommend!
This glass is perfect! With this powerful Vampire Blood aka my ACV cocktail, I’m on my way to looking forever young and feeling immortal! I vant to drink ze vountain of youth! Zis Vampire Blood vil do!

Servings |
- 1 1/2 tbsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries and/or raspberries
- 1/2 - 1 lemon squeezed lemon
- 1 1/2 cups water
- 1/2 - 1 cup ice
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- Combine all ingredients in blender for a icy-smoothly-like drink. Pour into glass and enjoy!
- Combine APC, fresh or frozen fruit, lemon juice in blender.
- Pour over ice.
- Add water and stir. Enjoy!