WELL-FIT Dan’s CrossFit Gym – Basement Workouts

We’ve had some good workouts recently and I wanted to post what we’ve done!

If you can read the kiddie chalk board, it has 1 minute x 3 followed by a list of things to do:




Squat Jumps

T2B or Toes to Bar

That means do burpees for a minute, then move on to the next, doing cleans for an entire minute, and so on, doing this 3x (three times).

I had to practice the Clean before we got into the workout, making sure I had the correct technique so to do the workout right! Eventually I got it a little better than how I began and I was able to do cleans for an entire minute, for 3 rounds!

This video is of Dan making sure I have the correct form and am doing the clean correct! And he’s making sure Kali is out of the way, as always. He’s also adding more weight to see where my max is for the workout. With help from the video, I can see I am doing too much of a curl, not keeping it close to my body so to allow the weight to become… weightless! I need to get underneath it more, bend my legs more. The only way I can get better is to keep doing it!


Dan is just awesome.


The next day we had a different workout:

55 Deadlifts

55 WallBalls

55 Calories on the Rower

55 Handstand Push Ups

…within 13 minutes.

I made it to the rower with about 10 calories left to row. Then my 13 minutes were up. THIS WORKOUT KILLED ME! I was sore for the next two days. My legs were sore but it was my lower back!! I was doing the deadlifts wrong and I wish I had a video but we didn’t take one. I was not in the correct position which is why having a video is great to see how you’re doing the workout and where you need improvement.


So finally when we were I was able to get back at it, Dan set up a great workout that helped me feel like I was getting stronger and more capable of doing more! Fitspiration!

The workout was:

12 Clean and Jerks

7 C2B or Chest to Bar (Dan downscaled mine, he did 12 C2B because he’s Dan and I’m me)


So 12 of these (I did this video after my workout. I was little beat but still feeling good.)


Again Dan is awesome.

Then 7 of these (that last one I was struggling, but made it! I don’t think Nico thought I was going to do it, so stopped recording lol)


Over and over until 5 rounds is up! Dan gave me a cut-off time of 20 minutes and I made it all the way through until the last few chest to bars. It was a solid hard-core heart-racing well-fit workout!

These workouts were followed by well-fed nutritious protein packed dinners! I post some of them but I have a few I need to share, just some post-workout meals we love!

On a side-note, if you see anything in the background of our videos and photos that you’re interested in, let me know! I can furnish an entire baby room! Just by looking around I have three (3!) bassinets that are very nice, two pack-n-plays, one folding bassinet… actually make that two, a high-chair, strollers, a dresser with matching mirror, what else… TONS of toys!!!! I’ve already donated so much and a lot of this I just don’t know what to do with, it’s in too good condition to just throw away. Some places won’t take furniture as a donation… only clothes.