WELL-FED Healthier Homemade Pizza – Sprouted Whole Wheat Crust!

When Nico has a snowday, I always want to do some fun cooking after we have some serious snow play outside! I think it brings me back to when I was a kid; my sisters and I would trek super far in the deep snow wearing layers and layers of snow-gear! It was a work-out! Finally we arrived to our favorite sled hill, zoom down and climb back up, it was so fun spending hours outside! As we’d trek back, we were so ready for a tasty, feel-good, warm-up, fun meal! That meal was usually kraft macaroni & cheese and some sort of pop (that’s midwestern for soda). That pop was then usually limited to diet pepsi or a frozen diet faygo that was sure to explode when we opened it. A great tasting pizza was always on our minds and ideal, but most of the time businesses weren’t delivering. So sometimes, we’d try to make our own! It rarely turned out good.

These day, being grown-up I still loving the snow days outside, those super fun Well-Fit workouts climbing through the snow! And I’m still looking forward to that post snow-fun-meal, but now I want fun healthy-food options my kids will love. I’m always trying to make whatever meal we’re eating healthier or the healthiest I can. And so with some pizza in mind, I found New Hope Mills Organic Sprouted Wheat Pizza Crust. while shopping one day. Since I use New Hope Mills Organic Sprouted Wheat Pumpkin Muffin mix often and everyone loves the resulting muffins, I figured I’d give this a try and see how much of a great tasting healthier pizza it could be. Plus, there wasn’t the option to order out because, just like when I was a kid, most places are closed. Especially when we receive 26″!

Look at the explanation. Sprouted grains allow your body to absorb the nutrients more easily, like a vegetable than a grain!

So, what are sprouted wheats or sprouted grains and what’s the benefits? The box has a great description and after doing internet research, choosing this option rather than any refined white bread has so much more to offer in nutrition and health benefits. And that’s what I love! One meal at a time, choosing a healthier, better choice for your body!

(Image courtesy http://thescienceofeating.com/2015/01/24/benefits-of-sprouted-grains/)

I also found great blog post about sprouted wheat and she actually explains how to sprout wheat yourself at thehealthyhoneys.com! I’d love to give this a try one day! Until then… here we go! We’re getting into some after-snow-play-snow-day-pizza-making-fun! Following the box instructions, you’ll need dry yeast, water, olive oil and an electric mixing bowl with a dough hook! I use my KitchenAid all the time!

Combining everything together. I used this dry yeast from Hodgson Mill and it worked great!

Nico is confused by the grains and the smell. I thought it smelled pretty good! I think he’s expecting cake batter every time we use the mixer.

Mix it and roll it into a ball, then allow it to sit and rise for about 30 – 60 minutes.

Once it has doubled in size, get ready to roll it out. I don’t think I’d say ours doubled, but it did rise and the kids were getting impatient. You can see the healthy grains in the dough!

I sprayed the pizza pan with olive oil spray I found at the grocery. It works well with something like this, not so well when cooking eggs.

I cut the pieces that were hanging off the side. Then put it in the oven for about 15 minutes. I could have allowed it to really bake to make for an extra crispy crust which we love.

The sauce and cheese I have used before when we would make little pizza on whole wheat toast. No unnecceary added sugar or random ingredients in the sauce or the cheese!

I love this cabot cheese (as well as their other cheddar cheeses!). It’s naturally Lactose Free and it supports local New York Farms!

Kali could eat the entire bag!

Our kitchen is now a pizza parlor!

It turned out delicious! I sprinkled a little oregano and basil as well as sea salt on top! Kids ate two slices each! Next time I’ll keep the crust in a bit longer for a thinner crunchier crust!


Here’s to a healthier sprouted Whole Wheat Crust along with all other ingredients kept simple and natural, for a more nutritious Well-Fed snow day pizza, and to your healthier, happier Whole Well-Being!