WELL-FIT Summer Hikes – Fun Fitspiration for a Happily Well-Fit Lifestyle!

Hiking for head-to-toe health

One of my favorite things to do to get outdoors and soak up some sunshine is to go on hikes! Where we live is perfect! So many local trails that run through Orange County and more trails into Northern NJ. The Appalachian Trail runs right to the west our town and there’s a few different spots where you can pick it up, do a nice day-hike and then jump on another local trail for a loop or an out-and-back!

As you can see on the map above, the AT stretches from Springer Mountain Georgia all the way to Katahdin Maine! So not only are there great hiking trails near my home but obviously there are great trails stretching throughout the eastern United States along the Appalachian Trail… and most definitely throughout the entire country! Head out west and hiking is epic! You can view some of such epic hiking trails in my Grand Teton National Park post!

I’m sure there are some fun trails where you live! I used to not only hike on the trails in Ohio, but would also do some serious trail running, from Jr. High on into High School and then on into college, running through the beautiful mountains of West Virginia! And my brother lived in Arizona for ten years, every summer I’d visit him and some incredible hikes were always on the to do list! Below, my sister Kristen, my brother Darin, his dog Gunner and myself on the Devils Bridge Trail in Sedona AZ.

In this blog I wanted to share photos from one of our hot and humid summertime hikes along with a few pics from over the years! Just recently on November 17th, it was Take A Hike Day and the day after Thanksgiving has been designated OptOutside day by the employees of REI.  I have loved this movement since it started a few years ago! Instead of shopping on Black Friday, REI is closed, encouraging more people to get outside!!! It’ll be much better for your health, your fitness, your mood, your mind, your Whole Well-Being!!

And so one of the options to OptOutside with is to go hiking! There are so many great aspects of hiking! You can see in the infographic at the top of the page which I found at Parks Blog and another below found at Live Outdoorsy. Sometimes life can make it tricky to get a good well-fit workout in. But putting in a good hike can fill that void! It may seem like hiking is just walking… and walking in and of itself is a pretty decent way to get your body moving. Hiking is so much more of a great workout! Move at a good pace, you’ll get your heart-rate up, get some sweat dripping as you’re burning some calories, you’ll stretch your legs nicely and as you’re climbing som elevation or just some rocks and boulders, you’ll build some muscles in your quads, hammies and calves! Hiking offers the best way to get some sunshine to help boost your mood, breathing in fresh air and clearing your mind! Even on a cloudy day it’s good for the soul! It makes for more appreciation of the weather, the day, the view, the surroundings, your company and just life!!

Top 7 Benefits of Hiking Once a Week

On our hikes, I take Kali with me, because she’s always with me. She does great in the backpack carrier… for the most part. She weighs about 30 pounds so that’s a slight added strength training! Lately, she’s been wanting out of that pack! Which I love, but it can limit our speed when hiking the trails!

We’ve got lots of water, snacks, more water, bear spray, extra clothes, a towel, sunscreen, lip balm, first-aid kit, flashlight, compass, my camera. I love taking pics. But also lots of selfies so I can keep an eye on her! I need a mirror or something for the backpack carrier, but the selfie’s work well. Plus, she’s about done with the backpack carrier anyway.

We do have fun! That’s what all of your Well-Fit workouts should include, FUN! Even as you’re pushing yourself, it should always have a degree of enjoyment!

The trails are well-groomed and the paths and views are so pretty! Plus it’s good for the joints and feet to walk on a bit of a softer ground rather than asphalt and paved bike-paths. It’s such a nice way to take in nature and clear your mind! And have fun with whomever you may be with! Bond!

My camera takes three pics automatically after the camera is focusing on something for a while. After the above pic was taken, I put the phone in my pocket… or at least I thought. It dropped on the ground, then took a pic of us walking away. It’s watching us just leave it behind! Kind of sad!

But of course, I need to see Kali and I love the views, so I go to look for it in my pocket and it’s gone. I turn around and there it is! It’s funny to me that it sat up-right perfectly for the shot! It’s like my phone knows me.

Obviously these pics are from summer when it’s lush and green and the sun is so bright, but we go hiking in the fall and even winter too! Next post will feature those pics! For now, be inspired by nature!

Hiking truly does clear your mind, open your senses and allows you to really be in touch with what’s happening now, all around. Especially if there is the chance to cross paths with a rattlesnake or a bear or a mamma bear and cubs.

So my senses tend to be on hyperdrive as I’m very aware of what is in the brush or any sound nearby. As I said to my husband on a mountain biking trip recently, squirrels running through the grass sound like a damn wolverine coming at us at full-speed. At night when we sleep at home, I am wakened by the howling of coyotes every so often. I’ve seen one in my backyard, but when they are screeching and yelling, it’s trippy! And they’re in these woods. Below I’m taking a video selfie but hear something and am looking all around waiting for that “wolverine” or bear or snake or coyote. Finally, rather quickly I see it’s hikers coming down the mountain. Whew.

It’s not just Kali and I who go on hikes, Nico is often there as well when he’s not in school or at summer camp! He’s Nature Nico so he’s in his element when he’s out exploring!

And again, selfies to capture the moment and see kali! This backpack carrier has a sunshade! I LOVED the wildflowers everywhere!

I have taken Kali out of her backpack carrier when she was very young. She loved walking the boardwalk in Vernon…

And then fell right off it! Just bit it in her little jumper.

Nico and I would go on soooo many hikes before we lived in Warwick. Ramapo NJ was our place, we’d trek up to the Ramapo Reservoir with Dallas! Play in creeks and streams, and find waterfalls!

It was perfect for all of us! Nico, Dallas and myself! Everyone could cool off in the water! We’d find all sorts of little animals, bugs and creatures! And Nico was able to be a kid and climb rocks and boulders and he’s hike to the top of a many of the mountain peaks around here for some fantastic views! Below is a great view of Greenwood Lake! Hiking is my favorite fitspiration while also being full of funspiration! And some perspiration which is good too! So go for a hike and be happily Well-Fit!